Saturday, October 22, 2011


Candle Lighting Theme

Press Release
October 22, 2011
PALEA Board Member Tex Bulambot

October 21 was a day to reckon with for all workers in Metro Cebu and Toledo City for it was the day when the first Symbolic Candle Lighting initiated by workers' aggrupation 'KANAMASU' or Kahugpungan sa Nagkahiusang Mamumuo sa Sugbo made that successful launching intended to enlighten the workers/laborers of their inherent and constitutional rights to Dignity of Labor as espoused by the Church Doctrine on "Laborem Exercens"!

The activity was also intended to awaken the awareness of business establishments, companies and capitalists alike on Social Responsibility principle adopted by Modern Management wherein the above entities are reminded that the welfare of Society must be taken into consideration in the pursuit of their business activities and operation to the point that profit may be sacrificed or minimized to achieve this objective! And when we talk of Society, the primary factor to come into the picture is not only the ecological and environmental aspect but the people in general, mostly composed of marginal workers and laborers who needed decent jobs to maintain a decent way of living!

How can we achieve this if workers would allow themselves to be exploited and capitalists would take advantage of the workers' weakened positions? Would there be peace and real progress in Society if this Social Injustice prevails and continue to exist and exploit the common man?

May the Candle Lighting start a new phenomenon in our Society where men of probity and integrity will really work out to establish a just and humane society where all freemen really really enjoy the blessing of Democracy! 

God bless us all!!!