Thursday, November 10, 2011


by Palea-ITF on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 10:00am

At around 5:45 am on October 29, some 40 hired goons of PAL attacked the PALEA protest camp while women and children were still sleeping. Armed with long sticks and stones, the goons destroyed tents in half of the campout and injured seven PALEA members in the violent daybreak.

One of the goons was apprehended and confessed in a sworn testimony to the police that they were “paid by management.” In a new outsourcing scheme, PAL had employed the services of a goons-provider to undertake the dispersal attempt.

As a diversionary tactic just before the attack, a PAL truck tried to leave the compound accompanied by a phalanx of security guard in full riot gear. But despite their overwhelming number, the PAL guards retreated since the teargas they used blew in their faces.

Immediately PAL and its media machinery went into action to deny their obvious culpability in the attack. Apparently their best defense is offense. They are trying to turn the tables by suing PALEA for blocking its trucks.

The big question is: Why is PAL trying to operate the In-Flight Center (IFC) when its in-flight catering and airport services have already been closed down? Evidently PAL will allow Sky Logistics and Sky Kitchen use of the IFC which means the service providers are nothing but illegal labor-only contractors.


Overwhelming force of PAL guards in full riot gear provoke a handful of PALEA members as a diversionary tactic.

 Some of the hired goons and their getaway vehicle.

These are not police but a second group of goons in riot gear attempting vainly to launch a second wave of attack. 

 Aftermath of the failed dispersal of the PALEA protest camp.

 Working class hero and true PALEAn Pablito Leonardo injured in the face by a stone from one of the goons while defending the camp out.

Attacker Johnny dela Cruz confessed being hired by management to tear down the PALEA camp out.